love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden

     yay hugs! 300+

     It felt like all the blood from her body had relocated to her chest and head, her heart pounding it almost painfully inside of her. She felt numb, she couldn't feel her extremities and almost worried that her legs would give out and she'd crumple into a sorry mass on the floor. Eyes continued to look at him, still almost convinced that this wasn't real and she was hallucinating. It reminded her of that day they had been reunited on the beach of Twilight Vale, and yet this was so very different. So many emotions bounced around inside of her and they all combined into one indiscernible thing that she couldn't say what it was she felt. He appeared to be just as lost and confused as she was and neither of them could find the words to say or anything to do. They just stood there, the silence and distance separating them seeming so immense.

     Suddenly he moved and bridged that gap that had seemed insurmountable only seconds before. Savina almost moved back from the abruptness of the approach but then she felt his arms encircle her and instantly she dissolved into the embrace. Her arms wrapped around him as well and slender fingers grabbed his fur and clung to it, afraid she might disappear into nothing if she didn't hold onto him. Tears had begun to pour from her eyes as soon as that contact was made. Until this moment she hadn't known how he felt about her anymore. She hadn't known if there was anything left of their relationship to salvage. She hadn't even known if he would ever come back. It was all that uncertainty that had been suffocating her, starving her. "Ehno," she softly choked out, unable to do anything more but cry and cling to him.


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