Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'


     The age her children were at could be an awkward and confusing one, they had been for her she knew. You were on the threshold of journey into adulthood and yet you didn't necessarily want to give up everything you loved about being a pup. There were often times even now that Savina wished she could return to the simplicity and happiness of childhood. When you grew up everything that had once been so straightforward became muddled and confusing, outside of knowing that your family loves you. That had been the one anchor she had had in the turbulent months of adolescence. She had had her mother and siblings and she had known she always would. The woman hoped that she could provide a similar reassurance to her own pups now that they were reaching that confusing age. She would always be there for them and always love them no matter what.

     She smiled down at her son, chuckling lightly at his explanation for why he was out and about in the rain. "I see. Yes, I suppose the mansion doesn't hold any excitement for you anymore." They had spent so much time in the house that they must know all of the nooks and crannies now. There were no more secrets there, nothing more to explore and discover. She wondered if Gotham would have the travel bug as his uncle did and instantly that thought sobered and saddened her. If her boy was going to go out and explore the big wide world she wouldn't hold him from it, just as she hadn't held Ehno, but she hoped it wouldn't be for a while yet. She didn't want any of her babes leaving the nest so soon. The mother did the best to push that though away though, there was no need to dwell upon it now.

     "I think I just needed some fresh air. It can get stuffy inside for grown-ups as well," she answered and ruffled the hair on top of his head. "Besides, I like the rain." It had been raining when she and Kansas had first met and spent time together. She remembered that day well, all the warm feelings and excitement of what could come. Now here sitting with her was a product of she and Kansas' love. Just as it had been special sitting out in the rain with his father, it was special sitting out here in the rain with him.


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