daddy dearest
ooc: Oh God no! Puppy eyes!

Jontae had been quietly pondering this strange new world that had been thrust upon her when the scent of her father caught her attention. Her tiny little ears quivered as she tried to decide just what to do. She had figured that if the man wanted nothing to do with her than she'd give him just that and ignore him for the most part unless more was demanded of her. The small brown and tan girl really didn't understand much of this world but she was trying atleast, which was more than some were willing to do.

She caught the smallest bit of motion from the corner of her eye as the brilliant pelt of her father came into view. She wondered why her own pelt was so much darker and why except for one pathetic floppy ear and a silky coat she shared nothing in common with the man. While she watched the male crossing before her she didn't speak though her eyes cried out for the male, a sad pitiful hunger in those blue green wells that begged for acceptance and love from the creature that was suppose to be family.

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