Is there an answer?
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it's not lousy at all! Smile 300+

Haven was still shocked by how messed up everything was. What should have been a joyous and uncomplicated thing had turned into almost everything opposite of that. Jacquez had overreacted and raged at the new couple, Ruri had gotten upset, Heath had been hit and forced to flee the lands, and Ruri had ended up hurting her ankle. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he sincerely hoped that their King felt guilty for acting the way he had, if for no other reason than Ruri getting hurt in the process. Sadly he had a notion that there were no such feelings of remorse in the man. He had no idea what had made Jacquez the man that he was, but there were some very crucial experiences that he had never had apparently. Haven understood wanting to protect those that you considered family, but the way he had reacted to this all was just over the top. He had abused his authority and that put a sense of unease in the Knight.

He was glad that Ruri found his suggestions on how to handle the situation useful, aside from his offer to speak to the monarch first. As his friend explained it it did make sense that it probably would hurt more than it would help. Despite the fact that none of this involved him directly he was a little too emotionally involved to be able to talk about it calmly when Jac was apparently being so adamant in his own position. Haven would almost undoubtedly become too defensive of both Heath and Ruri and accusatory of Jac's reaction and that would only lead to making the situation even more messy. That was the last thing that his friends needed, and he wasn't about to muck things up any worse. "Yeah, I guess you're right about me talking to him. It probably wouldn't be a good idea. I just wanted to help because I can't stand the thought that you two are facing this kind of thing when all you want to do is be together because you love each other." Haven understood how important and fragile those emotions were, how easily they could turn from pleasure to pain, and he didn't want that happening to them. Even though his relationship had been a failure and left him broken didn't make him a cynic or make him want others to feel his pain, especially not two people as dear to him as Ruri and Heath were.


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