unusual situations
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Her immediate response didn't shock him in the least, it seemed normal to him. But clearly it wasn't to her as she looked shyly down at the ground after doing so. A part of him wanted to assure her that it was fine, she had no cause to be so careful around him, but he decided against it. That might just make things worse and more awkward. Ataxia didn't seem like the type to appreciate someone coddling her in such a way. It wouldn't really be appropriate either, considering she was older than him. Haven was more mature than his age, but it was that quality that aided him in situations like this. For the most part he thought about things before barreling into them now. He hadn't been that way as a pup, but his experiences had given him wisdom and changed that particular trait. "Yeah, especially for someone my age. That's practically half my life," he said, chuckling softly. The hybrid had changed a lot in those months since the pack had formed though. He had regained some of his old confidence and he had begun his training with swords and working with his horse companion, Drogon. Yes, a lot had happened in five months.

She seemed to be smiling a bit more easily and Haven took that as a good sign. He was also glad to hear that, so far at least, her stay here had been nice. There wasn't really any reason he could think of why it wouldn't be, outside of her unfamiliarity with living in a group, but it was still good to hear. He was far from being the leader of this pack, but he was the protector and so he liked to know that the others were content. "Seems like we have a good start then." It was hard for him to imagine being so constantly on the move. He had never been outside of Nova Scotia. "Where are you from then? Far away?" Perhaps she was from across the sea.


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