I Bring No Real [J]oy to You; [m]
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... fucotl.png); background-color:#4f381d; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
OOC: <3 400+

Others probably don't have quite so much exposure to the crazies. she tapped her skull. Was this a twisted way to call him crazy? He ignored the statement. He didn't consider himself insane, or crazy as this one liked to point out. He thought himself to be perfectly sane with a few problems that he was pretty much born with. His tail wiggled in the air behind him, it also puffed out much like a cat's would. He was not intimidated by her size. In fact, he felt like he wanted to jump on that ass. It could have been his hormones though. He had just come of age this last month, and he had been slightly more frisky than his yearling year. He shook his head to clear the thought from his mind. She must had had a mate already, or she was just plan too old to breed for any purpose....But then again...Who said that there had to be a purpose? But anyways, other than that and his perverted little mind, he watched her. No. My son, Gabriel, is our leader. I am his second. she mentioned that she was second to...her son? Had her son gotten tired of her in the throne, so he took it, or what? He didn't bother to ask. He shrugged. First, second, still up there. he spoke, his speech not hindered this time. The urge was suppressed for only a few seconds. SUCK MY PRESIDENTIAL COCK, BITCH! he let that one fly without a continuation of another sentence. That one, if he was trying to insult her, would be the one she could take offense to. He thought it would be funny if she had bent down and done so as well.

We are. There are several wolf packs located here, but we are the only coyote clan. What can you do? she then spoke to him. Wolves... I'll go with Inferni. he did not let any emotion pass his face or lips when he spoke of the wolves, for he had no opinion on them. They were at fault as much as the coyotes for outcasting the boy. He felt the same about everyone. He hated the world. The world hated him. It was a perfect match. Do I need to tell you any-FUCKER-thing about me, or am I getting-NYGEH- off scot free or something? he asked, orbs looking up to her own, his sentence cut off by a curse word and then a sound from his throat. God he hated how short he was. Everytime he looked at her, he felt like a fucking midget. It probably because he was.


Sometimes I don't know why I try Because it's easier to die than to get by, than to get by And you and me, we can be buddies, we can be bloody


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