the pale princess of a palace cracked

She would have to speak to Rio about "bad words" later when they got back to their packlands--she didn't feel like it was very appropriate for her to get into the discussion right now, with Kansas before them. She did not know what sort of a ripple she had caused in Crimson Dreams with her leaving at all, or how she had affected any of the wolves there. She and Savina had once been friends, but no more. Friends stuck by each other in their time of need. Family did, too. She did not consider the dark female to be either of the two any longer.

The last she knew, though, the last time she had spoken to any of had been to Anu. And Anu had told her that she could come back to see her kids as she pleased. She frowned at the light male when he mentioned that they would not like seeing her around. She was clean now, and that had been their whole argument, hadn't it? That she couldn't come back until she was clean?
"Last I knew, Anu told me I could come back to see my kids if I wanted to. I told her I might be joining somewhere else, too. I didn't mean to mess up anyone's life with what I did, and I'm clean now. I don't care if you tell them--I'm not inside the borders. I was on my way around the packlands. Am I banned from here now, or something? Ehno never said anything about that. I don't really understand why it would be like this, when I haven't done anything wrong since that day. And even then, what happened was an accident."

The little ones sat down, watching the exchange with wide eyes. They did not often hear their mother take this kind of a tone with anyone--Phoenix Valley was generally a happy, friendly place. Caprica whined slightly, nudging into Naniko's side. The white wolf lowered her head to nuzzle her in return, giving her a reassuring lick on the nose. If she wasn't allowed here, then the pups couldn't come here either. They didn't go anywhere without her normally, especially at this young of an age. "This is Caprica D'angelo and the two lighter brown ones are Lucia Marino and Harlowe D'angelo. Rio Marino is the one who was heading into the river."


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