Dreams only she can understand

Thanks, on both accounts. Unfortunately, I'm still sick, and I don't know if I have something/what it is, but jeez, I need to feel better. D: And pretty table! 500+ words.

#####The fact that she seemed to have similar mannerisms as he did was not lost on him, though he did not feel as though he deserved the title of 'Sir.' He was but another pack member, and while it was his view that all ladies should be treated as such and with respect, he did not feel that it was necessary for her to address him so formally. Smiling, he shook his head politely. "Please, Miss, you can call me Vigilante, or Vigi if you wish." He knew that there were those few that were uncomfortable with his name, however unfair he thought that happened to be, so he generally preferred to give a second option. It was only upon his arrival in this area that he realized how many knew of the connotations associated with what he was named after, though he supposed that could simply be because he was well-known (in his pack and outside it, as well) in the area that he had come from.

#####He was visibly surprised at her admission of her current status in the pack, but he immediately dismissed it. Truthfully, he did not believe she could have done anything terribly wrong, especially at the mention of Leroy. He was not one to jump to conclusions about anyone--he had taken too many lives and been trained too thoroughly to be capable of making such quick assumptions. Of all people, he knew not to make assumptions about the severity of what others may have done. Of course, he did not condone wrong-doings. He would be a terrible hypocrite to find no problem with it just because the offender was a very pretty woman. Curiousity rang evident in his voice as he asked, "What is it that you stand accused of and punished for by Leroy?"

#####The mention of Finn's name made him smile fondly as he remembered their initial meeting, and he was very glad to hear that she had made it to the pack and was now a member and what not. He would need to start working on that sword soon, then, so that he had something to show her when they next met, since she had been curious. "I am glad that you met Miss Finn, and that she made it to the pack safely. When I met her, she was a curious loner." It did not seem likely to him that there would be another Finn in the area, so while Alaine had not mentioned the dark woman's last name, he could only assume that they were thinking of the same Finn. She had been a rather lovely woman, very interesting indeed, and he would have to seek her out soon so that they might once more chat. She had been very good for conversation.

#####He decided then to speak something else that had been on his mind since she had mentioned being confined, presumably by Leroy, as he was the only one she had met that he could see having any semblance of power over the decision. "I would suggest staying on Leroy's good side, but I would not take what he says for anything more than face value. If the king--that is, Jacquez--had something to say about what you were accused of, then I would heed the probable warnings. However, Leroy is not a leader of this pack, and unless what you did was completely terrible, he has no standing to keep you locked away in one area. This pack is meant for the free, as far as I know from when I spoke with Jacquez. It is not for one to decide that they are better than everyone else." It was long-winded, and he very quickly ended his small speech. It was the most he had ever spoken about his negative opinion of Leroy, and he did not wish to make it more known than that, as he considered himself diplomatic enough to keep it as respectful as was possible for the situation.


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