Wasted Grace

Table code, image, and Filler © Jacoby!

OOC// Sorry for making you wait, dear! <3


The other woman seemed surprised by her voice, and Alaine felt self-conscious for a moment. She'd almost forgotten about her accent, she'd been here alone for seemingly so long! Like a few others she had met, the stranger spoke with a faintly French tone, a sound the cream lady found rather pretty. Ayita. She made a mental note to remember the older woman's name.

" Pleased to meet you, Amaranth and Kable," She spoke gently, emerald eyes growing soft at the sight of the two frolicking children. They reminded her so much of her own Caillen, " I have a son, too... But he is rather unwell, and has needed a lot of sleep lately. Perhaps he might play with you sometime!"

Slowly, she stepped further out onto the balcony, and smiled meekly and submissively at the other lady. She was rather pretty, with her long dark hair, and alaine suspected that she was considered very highly within the pack. Miss Ayita seemed to have that certain grace about her, that the young cream mother recognised easily. Alaine fiddled with her own copper curls nervously.

" Very nice to make your acquaintance, Lady Ayita. I am Alaine, Alaine Winters... Me and my son have only been here a few days. Might I be able to help you with anything?"

Speak think walk!


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