love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden

     s'all good with me! :] 300+

     She hadn't been able to guess how things would go when they finally saw each other again. Each time she had tried to picture it she couldn't make out any details, it had been like looking through a distorted pane of glass. That had never been the case with him. Even when they had been separated for a year she had been able to picture their reunion perfectly. There would be tears, and embraces, and an overwhelming sense of joy and completeness. This time, nothing had been certain. She hadn't been able to see ahead and it had terrified her. The one relationship she had always known would be solid, the one that would be her rock and her anchor, had been her relationship with her brother. When that had been put into question her world had been turned upside down and nothing had felt right. She had been tossed around in an angry sea of doubts and pain and sorrow. He held her tighter and if it were even possible she did as well, clinging to him like a drowning woman. Savina heard his words, but it was difficult for her to even process them at the moment. "Ehno..." was all she managed to say in response.

     As he gentled pulled away her body immediately closed the distance again, irrationally fearing that he was pulling away to leave again. She couldn't let that happen, she just couldn't. Then he spoke softly again and she looked up to his face and now understanding what he was trying to do. Slowly and silently the girl nodded her head and allowed the space to come between them but was glad that he took her hand. Her finger's grasp was tight, letting him know that at the moment, this was all the distance she could possibly handle. Her heart would break all over again if there were more. Obediently and almost wraith-like she followed him down the hall and into his room. Once they were inside she closed the door behind her and instantly threw herself at him, hugging him again. Tears still brimmed in her emerald orbs. "Sono stato così perso senza lei..." she said shakily, the emotion welling in her words.


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