[M] a vampire in the devil town.
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/gabrieltable.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">I think everyone should go outside. :> I HAVE AN EVIL PLAN KTHNX.

    Almost instantly, the mood changed. Gabriel felt a tension rise up before him, spreading out like a disease. Hybrid came to his side, an obedient soldier, and a skull (no, a boy in a skull) approached and settled. Halo looked mortified, like he had caught her doing something wrong. Then Anselm was on his feet, upset, pushing past him. Gabriel opened his mouth to say something, but Razekiel ran off after him at Kaena’s outburst. So, mouth wide open and looking completely lost, Gabriel’s brain shut off for a few precious seconds then clicked over.
    Well, fuck. “Anselm!” He turned, but the two were down the steps. “Oh goddamn it,” he swore, snarling. “I didn’t fucking mean to ruin your party.” The anger was not directed at anyone except himself. Frustrated, the Aquila looked up to his mother. Gabriel didn’t know what to do. He had never really been in such a situation, and didn’t know what he had done wrong.


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