and i don't feel like i'm strong enough

She had, perhaps, not been as social as she should have been in the last few weeks. After her illness had passed and she had gotten back up on her feet she'd gone outside of the packlands to look for something to do. Her normal routine had seemed boring, almost, after spending so much time cooped up in her den. Now that she was back on her feet and feeling good, she was ready to go around and see everyone again.

But where were they all? The dark leader had gone without her heavy cloak today, choosing to wear a modest dress instead. It was the one that she had gotten for one of their tribal celebrations, mostly red with a cream colored part in the front. She had her sword with her as well, and had a new addition to her axe. She was trying to become more knowledgeable, to learn more than one weapon, and the axe was a strong one indeed.

Her ears perked up a bit as she passed the stable, a gentle voice reaching her ears. She couldn't hear the words yet, as she wasn't quite in range, but her legs brought her nearer to the wolf and horse, following that sound. "Hullo!" She greeted cheerily, raising her hand in greeting as she approached the stall. "Nice day out, huh"


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