my lullaby, hung out to dry

She didn’t want this. The weight of this truth and the fool she began to feel like. Anu looked out at the ocean, her breath slow and calm and yet inside she felt nothing like her exterior. An anger boiled in her chest, and her face began uglier by the frown she wore. All the moments she had attempted to comfort her past mate, all the hate that she had felt towards the male who had hurt her. They seemed wasted. There was nothing right about his actions, but there was nothing right about Naniko’s.

Anu blocked the thoughts that came next; too harmful and hateful they would poison her heart and bring a bitterness that would no doubt settle in her soul. She had already tried to uproot the grudge that had wrapped itself around her center, and she didn’t need anything nurture the remains of that anger. For a long moment Anu remained silent, building the wall that would separate her from this reality. Ehno being entangled in the woman’s web was one thing, Anu wanted to help resolve or simply comfort Savina. The past, it would need to be buried with the relationships that had been killed because of one beast’s actions.

The blue eyed woman looked back at the Commander, “We wont let him get hurt.” It seemed that there was a path of destruction behind the leader that had left them.


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