This is our beginning

A loud sound nearby made Bayard's head whip up from the grass that he had been eating. His ears perked and he looked around before looking back to Ember and giving a sharp whinny. He was worried, definitely. She rubbed his neck a little to calm him, not wanting him to get spooked, her own eyes searching the brush as well. She hadn't really been paying attention until she heard that sound, his voice, and now watched intently as he came out of the bushes.

He looked very odd to her, but she did not dare to mention that. She was a tall wolf, and he was a short...whatever he was. But hey. Everybody looked a little different. Wasn't really her place to judge someone by how they looked. She was about to open her mouth and speak when he began to talk. One part of what he said made sense, but the odd interjection in the middle of it didn't. "You've found the Aniwaya tribelands. You need help, or somethin'? You didn't sound to happy. An' I ain't never heard that word..monkey. What's that supposed ta mean?"


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