I know, I know, I know
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... able_2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

She had never actually been down to the Cour des Miracles pack...but if there were fun wolves there, then maybe she should check it out! She needed more excitement in her life--that was another reason she had left Phoenix Vally. So she could do whatever she wanted without worrying about making her dad mad or without making him have to come and rescue her all the time. Though that time with the rats...she'd really needed his help then. Her dad could totally kick ass. But she wasn't planning on doing anything that stupid again any time soon. And if she saw that coyote again she'd freak out and try and kill it, probably. Or...wait, no, it had a gun. She'd have to get some kind of weapon first.

Her mind easily wandered once more, but once she realized what she was doing she brought her attention back to the male. Mmmm, male. She hadn't been interested in anyone since Haku, really, but maybe things would change. This guy kind of reminded her of him, in ways--he was pretty handsome. She took another drink, nodding along to what he was saying. Gang of Luperci! Freaky! "I was born this way. I know how it feels to be attacked by a gang...but mine was a big ol' gang of hungry rats. Chewed me up pretty good. Hayyy though. I got a question. Where'd you get those metal things in your lips from?"

They could kind of trade information, in a way. The metal things were interesting...but they looked kinda painful. He asked her a question about reading, and she shrugged. "It's uh...looking at human books and understanding what all the little lines and dots on them mean. The books are printed with information on them, in a kind of a code, but if you take time and learn it you can crack it pretty easily. The thingies that are on everything are stamps. Stamps that tell the humans what the thing is, because some humans were really stupid and couldn't read. It's why they have pictures too" She leaned back after taking another swig, looking at him. He wasn't bad looking or anything, and was really interesting. Tonight would be a good night indeed.

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