casualties of dawn
Yay! Of course I don't mind Big Grin Sorry I am slow :/

Gradually and gently, the waves lulled the wolf into a sense of calm. Like the rocks worn down to sand, Beppe's rough edges felt smoothed, his aches momentarily dulled to painless curves. Blue was just starting to bleed into the black depths of the night, and the stars were only just beginning disappear.

In the hazy light Beppe did not see the female that was approaching, nor did he hear her footfalls beneath the lull of the waves. Her voice pulled him out of the comfortable emptiness he had drifted into, the sudden sensation of cool salty air almost startling as he found himself once more upon the beach. His surprise faded quickly and he smiled faintly up at the female. The male had locked himself up in the house, kept himself and his child isolated from anyone else, but the appearance of someone else living and breathing seemed almost... comforting.

"Hello," he said softly. "Lovely morning," Beppe added, mostly out of lack of anything else to say. The weather was a reliable source of small talk, even if it was just a short comment. He was too tentative to invite her to sit with him, but he hoped that she would. However much he tried to bury himself in water and sand and silence, he still possessed a deep longing for real company.

james made this!

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