I don't know, but it's never been so clear.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... dreams.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
300+ Well done of him to see only the wolf part of her when her optime gives her a very strong coyote appearance both in looks and size Wink

The scent of blood was easy to detect despite not being entirely fresh. Her ruby orbs had already found the limping male by the time his blue eyes fell on her. Very slowly she let the rat down, oversized ears taking in his words. Well, well, what was this? It was hard to get a detailed history by mere scent. The blood’s scent could overwhelm other smells with ease if there was just enough of it, but did she detect a hint of Inferni? She grabbed her swords and rose with ease, showing no hostility at all as she quickly attached the twins to her back using her buckle. She did not like how close he was to her. Not close enough to invade the common personal space, but enough to attack Halo’s. A bridge had been burned the day she had been in Halifax, the day she had seen horror and realized what reality had to offer the weak. Imagination could never compete with the cruelty of this world and Halo would no longer be a weakling. Her horrible uncle had opened her eyes in more than one way. Blood was disturbing; something had happened to this male and her mind demanded to know why.

”So what happened to you?” the girl wondered, absolutely determined to ignore his question until she got some satisfying answers. She really wondered what had made a wolf seek out and interact with an Inferni member. Her black and copper tail moved elegantly behind her, though there was not really any mood attached to its motion. Lone wolves, what had Samael Lykoi said about them? Males, what had Samael said about them? The girl was in a neutral stance, but her nerves would not allow her to keep the precedence up any longer. The last lone wolf she had seen had been destroyed in a revolting way, but she had been given the impression that it was deserved. Samael had protected her, hadn’t he? That was what he had done it, right? The Lykoi girl brushed her dark auburn hair back from an eye, studying the man. The rat darted around her feet, almost as if it could feel the pain pulsing through its master.


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