Somewhere we live inside
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Maybe they can play a little hunting game? Ehno can be the prey, and Nani can give them tips or something, lol. XD Unless you had something else in mind?

The Dreamer major was always happy to be able to spend time with the children. It was important to him that he could be here for them, even if the circumstances were complicated. He knew that he could only spend so much of his time around Phoenix Valley at once before he would have to return to the familiar lands near Rabbit Lake. He was determined to get the most out of his time here with Naniko and the puppies while he could.

Ehno made an excited little hop toward the pups first, almost an imitation of their own darting back and forth. He smiled broadly at the pups, trying to decide what sort of game they should play together. He swiped a paw playfully at the nearest puppy, Rio, before pulling back out of reach. Then he sat up, a fun little idea for a game coming to mind. "Giochiamo un gioco," he said excitedly. "Voi dovete insinuarsi su sul papà e l'attacca insieme. Forse voi potete battermi." He grinned at the children before nodding enthusiastically. "Pronto?" he said just before taking off for a few feet. He slowed down soon after, shifting to a more leisurely pace as he pretended to be oblivious to his surroundings.

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