With my teeth locked down I can see the blood

silly heath...

Ughhhh… his mind was beginning to ache. It was too much, way too much to think about. Yet it was impossible to turn off. Usually he could switch off the thoughts, just forget about them all with a few sips of vodka. Poof, they would be gone and he was back to blissful ignorance. Not any more. This was all too important to just forget, his subconscious and his heart would not allow it. And so his brain hurt from the effort. Heath happily nodded in agreement with Haven, he was not supposed to fight with the high and mighty King. Maybe if Jac was just a member, Heath would fight him to the death and he would have everything he ever wanted. No. That wouldn’t have worked either. It was Jac that he couldn’t fight, King or not. Ruri loved him like a father or a brother and if they fought it would upset her. She believed she wasn’t worth the effort, but Heath would have fought every beast that crossed his path to get to her. But he would let them all rip him to pieces if she had wished it.

Haven’s next question made him pause. His entire form became still and he settled on the question. Of course he did. The initial reaction, the sudden answer that came to him mind was revolutionary. He did, he loved her. It wasn't the first time he had thought it, but for once in all his life there was nothing surrounding the fact. The circumstances were blank, hidden by an unknown shroud. He was crying and miserable because he was in love? No, there was more. So much more that surrounded it, and yet the complex emotion felt so simple right there and then. Yes. He loved her, like none other. Yes, he wanted the best for her and wanted to be part of all those wonderful things. Yes. An answer had never come easier. It was like song birds in his brain, a ballad that told of their never ending passion echoing even when he tried to quiet it. There was no silence. Yes! There was no other answer to ever give to this one massive question.

“Yeah.” he spoke with a drunken tone.
“Yeah.” He second answer was more shaken then the first. Eyes rose from the ground, brighter and clearer then they had been a second before. What was he waiting for? Why should he waste any more time??
“I need to tell her.” He spoke to the orange male with a dire need in his voice. He should go, sober up on the way and just say the words.



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