love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden


     Any and all anger she had felt towards him was gone, disappeared as if it had never existed. The hurt was still there, and stung like salt in fresh wound, but right now she tried to not focus on that. He had come back. He was here now. She could touch him, see him, smell him. Whether it was good or not, her brother made her the person that she was. When they were apart she never felt fully herself. There was a part of her that Ehno carried with him, and whenever he was absent she felt like an unfinished puzzle. In moments like these she felt like a child again: unsure, afraid, and completely unable to rein in any of her emotions. They all poured out for him to see, just like the tears that cascaded down her face. Savina's fingers dug into him as he apologized. There was nothing that could completely erase the damage that had been done, but it was a cool balm that helped to soothe the ache. "L'amo tuttavia." And I always will. No matter how much he hurt her, she knew that that love would never go away. "Desidero solo che le cose non fossero successi questa maniera. Quel non erano questa maniera." She had never wanted what should have only been a happy occasion to become to complicated and convoluted.

     When he spoke next she realized with a stab of pain that he smelt nothing like Crimson Dreams anymore, but like a member of Phoenix Valley. It shouldn't have surprised her yet it still did. Though she heard the guilt in his words. She knew that time must have passed much more quickly for him than it had for her. He had had newborns to occupy his time. Here the days had passed in an agonizingly slow manner. The woman heaved a sigh and let the silence envelope them for a few moments, content just to listen to the beating of his heart. Slowly and carefully she collected her minuscule strength and pulled back slightly so that she could look up at him. "Come...come i suoi bambini sono?" Savina hoped that he would recognize that while she did want to know about his pups, that the woman who had born them was a particular subject to be avoided. She wanted to know about the new additions to their family but talking about their mother would only add insult to injury.


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