love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden

He knew his apologies could never fully redeem him from that act of betrayal. His actions could not be undone, and those emotional wounds inflicted upon his sibling could not be healed so easily. Ehno feared that the only way he would be able to fully make things up to his sister would be to shun the D’Angelo woman from his life completely, and that was not something he could do. He had chosen to live with being pulled from two sides, two loyalties calling for his full attention and he would have to live with it. For the moment he had come to accept this decision, and he could only hope that both women would at the very least be content with it. Savina spoke up and it relieved him greatly to hear those simple words from his sibling. He had been so worried that she would never forgive him, but hearing those words out loud alleviated those fears. "Io… sono così contento," he spoke, needing to convey his relief in words. "L'amerò sempre, Savina."

He could only nod at first when Savina voiced her desire for this situation to have occurred differently. The Dreamer male longed for life to be simple, for events to have played out in a completely different manner. At times his thoughts would drift to another reality where his entire family was together, a place where Naniko had never toyed with drugs and accidently gotten Cambria hurt. He felt like so a foolishly hopeful child when he thought of such a scenario. It was so pathetic of him to wish for such a paradise after all that had happened. Still, such a paradise would not be without its faults, as Ehno was still completely oblivious to how far back his sibling’s mistrust of Naniko went. "Desidero che potrei riparare delle cose. Tutto," he said after a moment. Such a foolish thing to say, but it was the truth. If the Marino man could reach through time to change things, he would do so in a heartbeat.

Ehno felt a bit of relief soothe him when Savina asked of his children. He was glad to know she was still interested in them, despite how she felt about their mother. The Italian man was smart enough to avoid any mention of the snowy lady, knowing that it would only turn this situation in a horrible direction. He had the chance now to patch things up with his sibling a bit and he would loathe ruining this moment. Slowly, a smile came to his maw as he thought of the children. It felt so out of place on his features while he still battled with his swirling tempest of emotions. It was so strange for him to be able to smile while feeling so guilty, but he couldn’t help it. Those little puppies always made him feel so joyous. "Fanno meraviglioso." His words were hesitant at first, but he gained confidence as he continued, unable to keep an excited edge from creeping into his voice. "Ci sono tre belle ragazze, ed un bel ragazzo. Caprica, Lucia, Rio, and Harlowe."

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