turning us into monsters.
302. Buahh. :3

http://i42.tinypic.com/2dif428.png); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 500px; background-color: #000;">
Hybrid flattened his ears, ignoring her protests. She was nothing like what she had once been. Her only true accomplishment was founding Inferni. Her greatest failure was abandoning it. She had created something great, but Inferni was not like the wolf packs. It needed a strong leader with a fist of iron. Inferni survived because they were not single, individual, living, breathing creatures. They were all part of a greater whole that made the clan move. Removing one would destroy everything.

But she was not done. She continued to speak, and Hybrid sighed loudly. He averted his gaze and narrowed his eyes slightly, regarding her for a moment. She was kidding herself. Here, she might have been thinking she had nothing to prove. But she did, especially to Hybrid. He had never known her before; she was always somewhere else, doing something else. Hybrid did not know her, and her claims to fame were only legends, now. Perhaps not even that; they had been lost with the crossing of the mountains.

Hybrid paused for a moment, wondering if he should answer her question. He regarded her intently, searching her face for an answer. He did not need to, for he already knew the answer, but he humoured himself anyways.

"Blood," he replied simply; however, his answer was anything but simple. "When was the last time you killed a wolf? Proved your loyalty? I demand blood." His voice, like always, was gritty and worn, as if he'd had his throat ripped out one too many times. He wanted nothing more from her than to see her kill. Or, perhaps, to see them kill. He knew she had been long-famed for her strength and power in battle, but where was it now? Hybrid did not want to think of the founder of Inferni as a rotting corpse who still barely had the will to live. She was nothing if she could not use her teeth and claws.


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