haligh, a lie [j]
A slight change in the underlying blanket of scents alerted him to the female's oncoming appearance. He slowly rearranged his paws, stretching the muscles that felt like they had almost atrophied whilst standing. Yellow eyes flashed expectantly, drinking in the slowly rising sun and sky's gradual change in color. At last she approached, her pristine white coat giving off a glossy sheen when it caught the light just right. What was unusual about the stranger were her eyes -- one appeared to be bordering on turquoise, the other rather like his own hue. Silver took this in stride, rather unfazed by unique markings or differences at this point. Throughout his travels, he had encountered plenty of quirky others.

Once she had closed ample distance between the two, he averted his eyes towards the ground and slowly lowered himself into a substantial bow. The crown of his head pointed down towards the ground, tail tucked neatly in between his back haunches. When she introduced herself Silver merely nodded and allowed his ear to twitch curiously. "Deuce. My name is Silver Arcona -- it's a pleasure to meet you," he paused to lick his lips. "No, I'm not looking for anyone in particular. Rather, I'm interested in joining Jaded Shadows." His thick Scottish accent flowed like sweet candy from his mouth. Briefly, Silver brought his eyes up to meet her's, but just as quickly returned them hell-ward.

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