Simply not good enough
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    Ezekiel and Halo had both been moved up quickly; both for different reasons. Gabriel trusted his son utterly, and having seen his work with Cwmfen paying off, knew it was the right decision. Halo, no doubt, could have spent another six months training. What she had proven to him, though, was the ambition. She had killed without a moment’s hesitation. He believed she would follow orders, if only to impress her older relatives (specifically, his mother). The crimson mark on her breast told him that all too clearly.
    “I’m fine,” he responded almost automatically. There was no emotional response to the mention of his son. Gabriel too, wished Ezekiel was still present, but could do nothing about this. “Ask Anselm, he might know some more about swords. I don’t use them, so I can’t really teach you anything about that.” Pulling his legs up under him, he sank to a seated position. “As far as sparring, Anselm and I make a point to practice daily. If you’d like to join us I’m sure he’d have no objection.”


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