burning beacon in the night
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Her smile turned soft at the compliment on her appearance again. Cambria had always felt like the odd pup out in her litter and to know that she wasn't completely the ugly duckling made her feel good. "Yeah I guess you're right. Thanks anyway though Conor." She didn't understand exactly the limits on exactly the kinds of relationships you were supposed to have with your various family members. It was obvious that if say...she like liked her brother that would be not okay. The very thought of it made her want to stick out her tongue in disgust. She loved Gotham, but loving him in that way would just be wrong. Outside of immediate family though the lines became much harder to define, at least to her mind. It wasn't like she had those sorts of feelings for Conor at all, she just didn't know the reasons why those kind of relationships would be so wrong. Obviously being close in the family tree would go against that, but she had a feeling there was more to it than that. She didn't need to worry about it though, it wasn't like she had a crush on her cousin.

Cambria could sense some concern from him after she had said what she had, but she was glad that he didn't question it further. Perhaps one day she would tell him what had happened, but now was not the time. If she started to talk about it she'd just get upset and it might bring on a panic attack like it had when she had talked with her aunt about it. No, neither of them needed that right now. She just wanted to focus on getting familiar with this new body and having a nice time with her cousin, she didn't want to delve into the dark parts of her past.

"Yes really weird!" she said laughing. It was weird! Everything felt so different, or like she had been pushed back in time to when she was tiny and just learning to walk and stumbling over her parents and brother and sister. This was even more difficult though. It was much harder to balance on two legs than it was on four. He stepped back some more and she did her best to keep up and not fall over to the side or stumble forward again. "Okay." Still holding securely onto Conor's hands she stared down at her feet and focused on making each step as solid and fluid as she could. It was a hard process and took a lot of concentration, but she was beginning to feel more stable.


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