unusual situations
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Haven really didn't even noticed how dark it was. When you had pleasant company than what else was going on around you didn't matter all that much. He had stayed up late with his sister on many occasions, even when the circumstances surrounding their talks wasn't the best. Though Mati was his sister, and so it didn't matter what the situation was or what time it was, he would always be there for her when she needed him and wanted to talk. That had been the whole reason he had found a house here that had two bedrooms, because whenever she came to visit he wanted her to have a comfortable place to sleep. Of course the same offer would be extended to his mother and his other sister Brooklyn as well, he had had Brooklyn stay over once, but Anu had never come to see him. Nor had Naniko, but he wasn't entirely certain he would feel comfortable having her stay in his house. Not after everything that had happened since he left Crimson Dreams.

He had doubted that it was the cold and snow that had brought her to not liking her homeland, he had simply been trying to lighten things up a little bit. Considering she had laughed he guessed he had accomplished that and he had to admit it made him feel good. It was a good sign that she felt comfortable enough to allow herself to laugh around him. "To each their own," he responded, smiling at her. "Well, you won't be missing the cold for long. Just a matter of time before the snow starts falling here and the temperatures drop even more." He wasn't really looking forward to it, but perhaps it would help Ataxia ease into life here a little more smoothly.


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