love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden


     Of course she was still upset over everything that had transpired. There was still a part of her that couldn't believe he had actually done what he had done. She had always thought him more responsible than that. Now was not to be a time of chastisement though, she didn't have it in her to even think of doing such a thing. For the past two months she had feared that things had been irrevocably broken. That the two of them had been pushed so far apart that they couldn't be brought together again. She hadn't had the strength or humility to go and try to see him in the other pack and she had a feeling that even if she had she wouldn't have been welcomed. Even if Ehno was there she knew that he would be the only one who would have wanted her presence, and there had been times where Savina hadn't been sure if he would have even wanted her there. So now that he was back, and appeared to have made the choice that she had so dearly hoped that he would she couldn't find it in her to be anything but relieved. The woman felt similar relief when he also said that he still loved her and she squeezed him tighter momentarily. "Lei anche, Ehno."

     Savina couldn't fool herself in thinking this was easy for him. He was separated from his children now, and she couldn't imagine how hard that must be. That feeling of selfishness came back to her, but she knew that as hard as this was, things would have been worse if he hadn't made the decision that he had. If he had chose to leave then she knew that her hesitance of ever going to see him would have remained. She would have felt removed and alienated from his life and that would have killed her. She couldn't guess how he would have felt in such a situation, but she at least hoped that he wouldn't have wanted that. Their bond meant more to her than she could even begin to express and to lose it would have left the fey unrecognizable. So when he said he wished he could change things she knew he meant it with all his heart. They were all suffering in some way or another. She couldn't understand why things had happened this way, she didn't want any of them to have to go through this.

     It didn't matter that their conception had been something that had caused her immeasurable heartache, she wouldn't hold the pups responsible for what had happened, she couldn't. Even if she would never consider their mother a part of her family didn't mean that she had no interest in the children that belonged to her brother. It would be impossible for her to not care about them. As her brother smiled she found her own lips turning upwards a bit. "Buono, sono contento," she responded sincerely. She was happy for her brother, she was, but she couldn't help but worry that she would not have anything to do with the lives of her nieces and nephew. Ehno would never wish such a thing, but there were other circumstances and she worried that they would be barred from her. "Io...Spero che potrò vederli...un giorno..." she added hesitantly, her gaze dropping from his face.

     The adrenaline that had given her strength suddenly wore off and she was overcome with weakness. "Spiacente, devo sedersi..." Shakily she pulled from their embrace to sit on his bed and she rested her forehead on the heels of her hands. The Commander hadn't been taking good care of herself lately and it was beginning to take its toll.


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