I'm a Punk, I'm a Sinner, I'm a Freak.
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... gtable.png); background-color:#000000; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
OOC: Shortness. Sorry >.>

The male took another swig of his whiskey as he and his stallion continued on. Maybe being intoxicated would help his creative juices flow easier. He wanted to name his stallion, and it was starting to bug him that the stallion remained unnamed. It was just that the stallion was such a mystery, the appaloosa did not complain, and was quiet, never surprised about the male's actions, totally trusting. He didn't understand how he could be so calm around the horse, and that he had a connection to it, and he knew it from the moment his eyes set on the horse. He couldn't help but put this one from the barn, and Ember agreed that he should have the stallion as well, which too was a bonus.

His eyes were looking around, looking over each building as he moved along on his horse. But this was ruined by the sight of another. The other was taller than him if Cotl was to stand up against him, but that was obvious just by the length of the male's legs. Though mounted on the horse, the male stood taller than the other. The other had been sitting on top of a truck. He read about these, they were driven. They were a complex design, run on a liquid gas. He didn't really bother to research into the design too much, so he didn't know how to get it to start or anything. He noticed that the male was staring at him. A frown formed on the lips of the male before he wrinkled his nose a bit. What the fuck are you looking at? the male asked, not bothering to censer himself. Hell, half the time he couldn't. Ya' see something -COCK SUCKER- ya' like or something? the male asked, his hand pulling the horse to a stop and his bi-colored gaze upon the male.

Sometimes I don't know why I try Because it's easier to die than to get by, than to get by And you and me, we can be buddies, we can be bloody


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