Dark places, what a simple web we weave
WC: 482

Little tail wagged rather quickly in response to the male's comments, though they were quite short in comparison to her waterfall of words. "Your name is Heath? Like, a Heath bar? I had one of those, it was all soggy and stuff, but still sweet, even though it made my tummy unhappy." She rubbed at her tummy with a paw, and seemed to think for a moment. "Yeah, it was good, even though it made me sick. But it was still interesting! Yes, always interesting." Rump wiggled in the grasses as she happily grinned up at the Optime. And then, she addressed his next response.

"You're not friends with my sister like Mr. Jac Jac, are you? You don't seem like it. Mr. Jac Jac is strange, he's real protective of Ruri. I've only met him once, but he was nice and let me join Cour des Miracles, but Ruri said he can be a big bother sometimes. I dunno. You seem nicer... er, softer? Sweeter? Sweeter, yes." She paused a moment and looked Heath over again, surveying him, considering the implications of a male besides Mr. Jac Jac being friends with her sister. She offered Heath a smile, accepting him.

"I like you. Ruri has good taste in friends. Got my approval, after all. She's real smart I mean, even though she's blind- well, I mean, not like being blind makes you not smart, but like, she's gotten along really well without being able to see. I don't know how she does it." Tangent after tangent after tangent flowed from the talkative little girl's mouth, noting her slightly nervous feelings. But as it was, she really didn't understand how Ruri could survive being blind- she just couldn't see how it would work. Being able to see the sun, the earth, the wonderful beauties of life... Sylvie couldn't understand how one could live without it.

Heath wasn't giving off any scary vibes like Jac had, and he certainly didn't turn into a horned devil as she watched him, so after another moment of silence, she decided he was a good man. Plus, he was a stable guy.

"You're a stable... er propriétaire de ranch... person, right? What's it like being around all these big hoofed animals? I'm not totally sure what these guys are here," She looked behind her towards the stabled horses, "But I know what those black and white animals are that I saw out there- cows, right? Yeah. I've never worked with these things, or really with cows, but I have herded sheep before- it's lots of fun! Do you do it a lot? Does my sister come out here and help you? I'm sure she could smell the sheepies, yes yes..." And there she went again, babbling about anything she could think of. Anything that didn't involve dead silence was great for the little lilac and white collie.

Speak. Think. Walk.


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