Is there an answer?

When Haven admitted that she was right about his desire to talk to Jac, Ruri smiled slightly. She was thankful that Haven was her friend. He was always trying to make sure she was alright. He was the best knight the pack could hope for. "It'll all work out, Haven. This is just a test that life has seen fit to give to Heath and me. We'll be alright and so will Jac," she replied, nodding to add emphasis to her words. "I don't want Jac to be hurt by any of this. You see, I think that's partly why he acted how he did. He might not admit it, but he gets lonely just like I do and he doesn't want to be left alone. He probably thought Heath was going to take me away," she explained, hoping she would not taint Haven's opinion of their king anymore with the her revelation of a few of Jac's lesser known personality traits. "You see, Haven, Jac isn't a bad person. He just reacted the way he did because he perceived what was going on as one of his greatest fears being realized. I think he's terrified of me leaving just like I have always been, and still am afraid of being abandoned. Jac just tries to cover it up by drinking and being tough, but deep down I know he's just a sensitive, emotional person like me. She wasn't sure if her explanation of Jac's behavior would help Haven understand, but she had tried. The invalid blue merle border collie didn't want Haven thinking ill of Jac because of what he had done to Heath. Of course she felt bad that Jac had hit Heath, but to Jac it had just been a gut reaction. Ruri, of course, was always trying to see the good in things. That might have biased her views a bit, but there was little doubt that what she said had at least some truth to it. She had spent nearly her entire life following the one-armed pirate king around. If anyone knew him well, it was her.


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