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Small cracks in the dirty windows of the house gave a very low light, one that casted itself in an eerie sort of glow on the furniture and debris that had gathered from the numerous numbers of wolves that had certainly come inside to rummage. The room to the immediate right of him was the living room, filled with old furniture and decorative odds and ends. The hallway, which extended to the very end of the house, broke off into three other rooms and eventually led to a small area with a flight of stairs. Conri passed by the first room with little more than a glance, heading on farther down the hallway until he reached the third room. This one, just by scanning it over quickly, seemed the more likely candidate for what he was searching for.

He entered immediately, using his single arm to rummage through the piles of old clothes and pillage through the various drawers. It wasn't until he came to the closet that he found what he was looking for. There, slumped in the very back corner, lay an old gray back pack. It was full by the looks of it, which he confirmed when he finally reached for it and drug it out into the open. Crouching, he fumbled with outside closure, finally freeing it revealing the insides of the pack. Books and paper, pencils and various other items. He turned it over, using his hand to grasp at the bottom of the back, giving it a few quick shakes until it expelled it's contents into the middle of the floor. The red hybrid didn't bother to close the bag and instead slid it up his arm and over his shoulder with a few precise movements.

At the very least the backpack would help him carry small things, things that he couldn't carry now that he was missing an arm. Heading out of the room, curiosity struck him suddenly. He'd gotten what he'd came for, which meant that he could spend a bit of time looking around. He moved through the hall then, into the room directly across from the one that he had previously been in. He'd hardly made it past the door frame before he paused, stared forward, and took a few steps backward. "Oh. Hello." He said suddenly, when his gaze fell on the other male that was leaning in the door. "Need some help finding something?" He had the time, why not offer?


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