turning us into monsters.
http://sleepyglow.net/rp/kae/endoftheworld.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:243px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
OM NOM NOM. -chews poor NPC-

    The silvery hybrid could recall quite clearly the last time she'd killed a wolf, and to have mentioned that again would have brought swelling pride to every inch of the hybrid woman. Vanquishing Salvaged Eternity was pretty high on her list of accomplishments, but in reality, what threat was he? A lone wolf, fallen from the heights of wolf hierarchy—hardly any concern of Inferni's. Her battle with him and her vendetta against him had been entirely personal. He was right. Kaena had not killed in the name of Inferni in too long, and though they were both present at the lone wolf's execution, neither had struck the final crushing blow to the creature. That honor had gone to Halo.

    There was not so much as a hint of hesitation in the coyote woman; she looked the Hydra confidently and nodded her head, agreeing with his proposal. She would not have expected anything else. "Of course," the hybrid said, excitement creeping steadily into her voice and her features. "Maybe we ought to go and raid a neighbor's borders for a victim," she said, half-joking. If Hybrid were to suggest they head to Dahlia de Mai and yank Haku out of there by his ruff, she would have agreed wholeheartedly, and there wouldn't be much else left but to go and do it, then.

    The coyote woman was all for violence, but she was the second-in-command of the clan, and her actions were certainly representative of the clan as a whole. They couldn't hope to take out one of their neighbors unless they wanted to start an all-out war, and she knew Hybrid was aware of that fact—or at least, she direly hoped he was. "Where shall we find someone who won't be missed?" the coyote questioned, figuring perhaps the territory north of Inferni was best. There weren't any packs up there, and anyone wandering in that area was likely to be homeless, and therefore not missed very much.


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