I Bring No Real [J]oy to You; [m]
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_skulls.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Sure! I'll add you to the house list if you'd like. Big Grin So... I would think you can reply once more to this, and they arrive at the house and go inside, and we'll OOCly assume they explored, Cotl picked a spot, and then we can start new thread? Big Grin

    The hybrid nodded, nervousness about Halifax and what had happened there present on her mind as always. The silvery woman could not scrub Haku Soul from her mind as she had from her skin; there was simply no doing that. He was seared onto her brain forever, a painful reminder of what had been and what was now. The coyote had hardly ventured outside of Inferni's territory in the past month and change, and she did not know if she would ever feel comfortable doing so again. Maybe going with another wouldn't be so bad; maybe going with Cotl to accompany her was better than trying it alone, but it was too soon to face her demons yet, and the hybrid woman's stomach churned in cold fear at the thought of returning to the cracked asphalt and destroyed concrete just yet. It was too early.

    Still, she hardly showed too much external strife safe for looking somewhat distant. Her scars were good for concealing emotion, so long as it was not an emotion too vibrant. There was only so much scar tissue could do for disgusing an emotive canine, which Kaena most certainly was. "Yeah, I'm sure you'll find one there. That's where I got my own," the hybrid said. That seemed like years ago; it was long before Haku had his impact on her. "But I ain't been there in a while, and I'd like to keep it that way for a while. Maybe indefinitely," the coyote said, forcing half of a nervous grin at the man to reassure him—it was most certainly not him. He'd actually made her laugh and smile for real for the first time in a long while, or so it felt to Kaena—in her present state of mind that meant a hell of a lot to the hybrid woman.

    Cotl's comment on the longevity of his skill made her smile for real, and her mind latched onto that train of thought, eager to avoid thinking of Haku and the unspeakable thing he'd done to her. "I only ever met two others who knew how to do this kinda stuff, so it's kinda rare over here, I guess," the hybrid said. Misery had given the hybrid her chaos star, and Mattheiu had taught her how to tattoo, though the basic introduction had only given Kaena a primitive knowledge of the art. The hybrid listened with interest as the canine detailed his origins, though she had no idea what Deutchland was or where it was beyond it being over the ocean. The hybrid had virtually no knowledge of geography, though, and it was good enough for her to simply know he came from the other side of the ocean. Further detail would have likely confused her.

    He continued, and the hybrid was not incredibly surprised to hear of his treatment. It was easy to see how others could misconstrue his disorder for some kind of deficiency, but as she spoke with him the canine found Cotl to be a rather intelligent individual, and beyond the strange movements and the profanity, there was virtually nothing wrong with him. Of course, Kaena was no stranger to prejudice and hatred; she had experienced it all her life. Wolves were to blame for just about goddamn everything that had gone wrong with her. Gritting her teeth, the hybrid continued onward toward the mansion, the forest slowly rising from the open plains around them, first in the form of longer grasses and then underbrush, sapings and finally, the thick of the forest.

    "Don't blame you for leaving them, then," the hybrid commented, deciding it was a perfectly natural reason for departing his birthland. If they treated him in such a manner, perhaps they weren't quite so civilized. "This is the Forest of Nod. Best prey's around this area, especially in the mansion gardens. We'll be there soon," the coyote explained. His trapping style would likely work quite well with the gardens of the D'Neville Mansion. There were many smaller creatures and many dark, overgrown corners in which they liked to hide. Kae knew very little about trapping herself, but if she were to trap, that was where she'd put them, anyway.


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