burning beacon in the night
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _t-400.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Hello I fail!

To Conor it felt as if he had known this two legged body from birth. It was actually a bit hard when he tried to think back and recreate that odd feeling that had filled his body when he had taken his first steps. It was not really that long ago, but it felt like years and years. His lavender eyes watched her move her feet and he envied the gracefulness she already seemed to possess. It was obvious that she was trying very hard, but it was definitely working. He doubted he had looked so secure and fluid in his motions when he had walked the first time. He smiled absently as he browsed the remaining memories of that day. Poor Cwmfen. Slowly one of the boy’s arms started to lose its strength. If holding both hands went fine then she could try with only one to hold on to. The boy’s warm gaze lifted to meet her sea foam ones, wanting to comfort. ”Aaand..” the boy mumbled lowly, continuing to walk slowly backwards and now withdrawing one hand.


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