burning beacon in the night
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... mbiban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Cambria continued to concentrate on walking, able to devote her full attention to it thanks to Conor's assistance. If she had been on her own it might have been impossible for her to make any progress because she would have been more worried about falling and hurting herself than actually learning how to walk properly. With her cousin her and making sure that she wouldn't fall though those fears were not an issue and she was gaining more skill and confidence with each uneasy step. "Did anyone help you like this? When you first shifted?" She hoped that someone had been there for him. It was bad enough that the shift itself had been so traumatic and scary, it would have been even worse if there had been no one around to help him learn how to use his new body.

The older boy's words made her look up to him and then she felt him remove one of his hands from her's. Her chest tightened in momentary worry, but then she realized that she was still on her feet and didn't feel any less stable than she had moments before. He was still holding onto one of her hands too, so it would all be okay. Taking a calming breath she continued to slowly follow him. Maybe this wouldn't take as long as it had for her to become proficient in walking the first time. Despite its weirdness, this process was moving much faster.


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