When the day comes, look into my eyes


Heath responded with a greeting of his own, and Ruri savored the sound of his voice. She wondered what it would sound like if he were to sing. Surely it would sound nice. Whether he would ever do such a thing she would have to wait and see. For now, she was content simply to enjoy the sound of his voice. Her hand's fiddled with the ends of her tunic's long sleeves until Heath broke the silence with the request she had guessed was coming. Did she want to go for a ride. "Of course, but first, I have something to tell you. Jac made me that Dauphine of Cour des Miracles. That means I'm second in command. I also talked to him about you and me. I told him that his relationship with me wouldn't change and that I wasn't going to leave him behind. What I mean to say is...everything's okay! You don't have to worry anymore," she exclaimed, throwing her arms around Heath, rather carefully so as to not accidentally smack him in the face or something. After all, she could only guess his location based on the sound of his voice and his scent. Her actions were two fold in their importance. For one, she wanted to hug Heath in an expression of her love for him, but also, her the pain in her weak ankle had gradually been increasing as she stood there and she wanted to lean on Heath for support so that her ankle would stop hurting.

She heard him call one of the horses before he announced who it was that she would ride. She should have guessed that it would have been Stark. After all, the gentle stallion had been the first horse she had ever ridden and he had seemed to like her from the moment they had met. She smiled gleefully, only to pause for a moment and cock her head to the side in curiosity,"How am I going to ride him by myself? I can't tell where I am without feeling the ground beneath my feet so I can't tell Stark where to go." Her question as understandable. After all, for a blind girl to try and ride a horse by herself sounded a bit preposterous. Of course, the delicate lautari had faith in Heath and new he had a plan of some sort. Why else would he have brought both Lumiere and Stark with him?


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