unusual situations
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... table8.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
of course! I'm having fun with these two :3 300+

Haven grinned toothily, glad that she was able to laugh over the dispositions of their King. Though when he made the light comment about her he could feel a bit of embarrassment radiate from her. It might have been in jest, but honestly it wouldn't surprised the hybrid in the least if Jac did start to pursue her. She was very attractive and the one-armed monarch didn't seem to care so much for personality as looks. "You'll want to stay on your toes, I wouldn't put it past him. He can be pretty stubborn too, not the type of guy to give up easily." His words were said in the same light tone, and yet there was a seriousness to them. If Jac did decide to go after her she needed to be prepared for everything that could entail. Meek as she seemed he thought that she could definitely stand up for herself if she needed to.

He knew she hadn't really asked what it was he did around here, but he had wanted to tell her and then had seemed as good a time as any. Even if it hadn't been a part of his job description he would have wanted to offer her help if she ever needed it, it was just the way that Haven functioned. "You're welcome, it'd be my pleasure." He was almost always willing to lend a helping hand. Ataxia listened in obvious interest but when it came to the topic of horses he could see confusion come across her face. He often lost track that horses weren't the norm everywhere. It had become so much a part of his daily life here that he forgot it wasn't the same for most others. "Oh yeah, sorry, I forget that people don't really know what horses are. They're big hoofed animals, kind of like elk, but they don't have antlers. We keep a lot of them here and some of us have our own. I have one, his name is Drogon. You can ride them and get around a lot faster." It was hard to explain, she'd have to see them to really know what he was talking about.


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