the room's on fire, she's fixing her hair
I think it's fine! <3 300+

        The arching of her body against his made him murmur a soft moan. His thoughts were quickly being clouded with the arousal that was surging through his veins. No, he hadn't wanted or meant for things to turn in this direction, but now that they had he wanted it. He wanted to feel her again, to lavish that attention on her. The youth wanted to make her feel good and, if their first night was any indication, he knew how to make her feel good this way. Love wasn't something he could apply to Princess yet, but he knew that that was the direction they were moving in. Already he was willing to see her and her alone, he had no desire to search out or be with other girls. They were already connected and there wasn't a single ounce of him that wanted to break that connection. He wanted her to know that he cared and wanted to do things for her. That she was important to him.

        His name breathed from his lips was like music. Posture straightened up and he kissed her more earnestly, one hand running slowly up her back. Princess was more intoxicating than alcohol could ever be. Except with her everything was sharp and clear instead of dulled and fuzzy. It was the ultimate high, being with her like this. Heart beat heavily in his chest, its pace picking up. Lips moved down her jawline, planting smaller kisses until he reached her neck, licking the fur there and breathing in her scent deeply. Haven wanted to just continue, but he needed to say something first. Pulling back he looked into her golden eyes. "Do you want this? I don't want to do anything you don't want to. If you're ever uncomfortable just tell me stop and I will." He needed to know this was okay. That she was okay.


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