all the questions left behind
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OOC: *dances*

The male had been letting the horse wander while he sat on the back of the mighty beast, the beast deserved it for letting Cotl finish up the tattoo that it now sported on it's face. It was a anatomically correct horse skull that was drawn on his face. The eye sockets were around the eyes and everything, it was a real work of art and it took him a day to finish it. His eyes were up towards the sky above, though they were closed as if he was resting out on the horse. Truth was, he was meditating. He was analyzing the new things in his life, and the old things that he had left behind. He had grown a fancy for the clan, for there were not many whom were completely in his business, but someone cared just enough to come and see him, just for his company. He had been in a good mood because of that little visit. He had also gotten a tattoo out of the visit of the Centurion. It also wasn't her traditional chaos star either, which meant to him that he was special, even if he was just a blank canvas for an artist. A blank canvas being used for nothing but practice. She had not done a bad job either, she had the talent somewhere in there, she just needed to channel it, to embrace it, and to develop it into something even more amazing than his own skills.

The rain hit his body. It felt so...refreshing in a way. His maw let out a yawn. He was slightly tired. He was resting though, because the horse was not being directed. It was wandering around with his master on his back, trying to find the best place to get some good grass to munch on. The stallion slowly walked around the land, the clumping of his hooves could be heard by any of the near by animals. He let out a whinny to Cotl as he passed by the caves though. One could ask if it was really for Cotl, or if it was because the horse knew that the little feo they had given a ride to. The smell of her could not escape the horse's nares, no not at all. Cotl ignored the whinny until the horse had stopped and started to gaze the very little grass that was there. Man, you couldn't pick a better spot-DICKSHIT-? he asked before he leaned himself up and he looked at the horse. The only thing that the stallion did was throw his head back and then turn his head towards the cave they were stopped infront of. I dunno who lives there. he spoke to the horse and shrugged his shoulders. Cotl was too lazy to go in the cave and find out as well.

Sometimes I don't know why I try Because it's easier to die than to get by, than to get by And you and me, we can be buddies, we can be bloody


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