ever so sweet
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/bullskullorange.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">

Silas watched as Mati drew a sketch in the sand. He smiled, leaning forward and resting his arms atop his knees. "Sometimes," he started, thinking for a moment how to explain, "get sick. Uhh, sea sick. I don’t. Some do." He knew his English wasn’t always the greatest, but he hoped that she understood what he meant. Bending slightly, Silas dropped an arm so that his own fingers could trace through the sand. He drew a crude representation of the sun above Mati’s wolf, drawing waving rays of light out towards it. "Eet not so bad," he added, referring to being sea sick.

He drew his arm back, resting it again on his knees before he let his chin fall on top. He didn’t want to ruin her picture entirely and he hoped she hadn’t minded too much. "Yes and no," he replied, looking up towards her deep lavender eyes. "Mine father bring us ‘ere to find zhem. But also, to live." He was absentmindedly picturing himself teaching Mati to sail his father’s boat. Though he had been glad to be back on land again, he felt a stir in his stomach and knew he had begun to miss the hiss of water crashing against the hull. "Eet’s new adventure," he added with a grin.


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