How the Day Sounds

Though she had tried to remove the part from within her, Anu still predominantly saw the better portions of a beast. She sought out the honesty, asking for it through the truth that she spoke. Knowing Gabriel only in this way, Anu was sheltered to the things that his past and his world held. Could she picture him killing a wolf? No. Though she knew his clan was violent, Anu could not bring herself to envision him in such a slaughter. Such naivety had almost killed her in the past.

At his nod the woman moved with a deadly silence. Quickly she traveled, an arch that was covered faster then many other wolves could have managed with such stealth. It was like a childhood game, practiced and known so well by so many, who the players might be didn’t matter. The rules never changed, the instincts so deeply engraved that the mind could slip away and leave nothing but the shell of a wolf.

Anu let it go, casting it all aside to show nothing more then the predator. She did not wait and ponder, she did not question. It was all written so clearly in the scents that lingered, the sounds and finally the sight of the buck. There was not time to count the prongs he bore, no time to configure a path directed to the hidden assassin. Anu ran, knowing the way, knowing when to avoid kicking hooves, knowing which side to threaten and pressure to urge him towards his death.


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