to bring good tidings
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    The hybrid was intrigued by the other canine's speech, and even as she concentrated on the water before her, she spoke, though her voice was far softer than it had been before as she was focused on her fishing and trying not to scare the prey away. "Where did you live?" the hybrid asked. Whereever this Vieira was from, that was where her Eris was as well. The hybrid woman knew she would not go to see her daughter; instead she had to wait and see if Eris would return to Inferni. Kaena could not leave this place again.

    The hybrid's golden eye remained focused on the surface of the water in front of her, watching for the distinctive silvery flash of a nearby fish. The water was still for the most part, stirred only on the surface by the breeze drifting in from the bay. "There," the coyote hissed, her focus shifting instantly to a bright flash of silver reflecting in the water. The hybrid watched the fish's shadow as it drifted closer toward them, and in a blur of movement she darted forward, plunging her whole face in below the water, returning an instant later with a writhing fish in her mouth.

    When in her two-legged form, she preferred to fish with her hands, but paw-fishing was more difficult when four-legged. The fish struggled in her jaws for a moment, and she clenched them down, quickly killing it. Kaena set the fish down for a moment, laying it at her own feet so she might speak for a moment. "We'll go to my cave now, and you can eat and get settled," the hybrid said. Kaena was taking control here, to be certain—she was not asking, rather, telling Vieira what was going down, but perhaps her treatment was an improvement over Vie's former owners.


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