all the questions left behind
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OOC: <3 Thanks, I tried to make him stand out along the crowd. Standing out meaning yelling out random profanities in the middle of his sentences. xDDDD Und will do.

The male had watched her with his intense glare as she had sprung herself onto the horse. She had to jump onto the horse without touching it. Aiming was one thing she needed to do. He was surprised that she had aimed right and gotten onto the horse very easily for the first time. More impressive was the balance. Even Cotl was a little bit shaky on the horse the first time getting up on the horse by himself. The two got comfortable before Cotl took the reigns from infront of the feo and pulled it over and behind the feo's back. If she fell to either side, the horse would probably get confused and turn that way, but then again, she was more likely to hit Cotl's arms before the reigns. The male was quick to jab the horse in the side twice. The stallion perked up at the last moment and then took off. The stallion was ready to be inside of shelter by now, so he was more in a rush than Cotl was really.

The stallion's hooves thumped against the muddy and wet ground as he ran at full speed towards the mansion.I have a question. she started off. Cotl almost hadn't caught the words because of his eyes that were on the road, and the fact that he wasn't really paying much attention to her. Gabriel said there was a way he could help me in shifting... like you she then spoke, and looked back at him. His own glare went from the road to her. A Chesire cat-like grin found it's way onto his handsome face. He knew exactly how she could become Luperci. Well... he started off. He was trying to find a way to bounce around this without her really knowing exactly how it would happen. He couldn't find much of a way, but he could however not mention one of the two main ways she could get the virus. He decided to go with that. If you -DOG FUCKING INGRATES!- get bitten by one of us, and you bite one of us, taste our blood, then you can be infected. he explained nodding his head lightly, but keeping the whole other factor out of it. He did not tell her that sex could get her infected. Why? Because he had other plans.

Why do you ask? -FUCKING CROTCH ROCKETS!- You want to become luperci? he asked, his eyes moving from the road once again to the feo infront of him. He truthfully wondered about why she would ask. Was she considering it herself? Would she change everything she knew to have the secui and the optime forms that he and other luperci had? Cotl didn't blame her. He barely was in his lupus form since he was a child, and to imagine being stuck like that would change his entire life. He would not be able to ride his horse, or do tattoos anymore. He could more than likely still pierce, but having thumbs to do so helped ten fold. The three continued to "fly" over the lands. The horse's breathing was loud, and he let out a sharp whinny once or twice before they finally rode up to the mansion. Cotl directed the horse to the large shed. His eyes went to her once again as the horse came up to the shed door (which was close at the moment). The male had moved the reigns out of the way of the feo so she would not get tangled, before he jumped off of his horse's back. Ally, the door is on the right. -FAT COCK SUCKING BITCHES- Run over there while I get the horse in the shed. I'll meet you over there in a few seconds. he spoke, watching her jump down. He then took the horse by the reigns and then lead it into the shed. He didn't bother to really tie up the horse, nor did he close the door behind him before he left. He took off in the direction of the door to the house, and once he had gotten to the door, he opened it, and of course, let the lady enter first.

Sometimes I don't know why I try Because it's easier to die than to get by, than to get by And you and me, we can be buddies, we can be bloody


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