dollar signs on every sin.
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Oh... So, the owner was this guy, here. He supposed that was better; it would have a nasty taste in his mouth to murder the owner and then share his stockpile as the spoils of combat. Yes, that actually cleared things up quite nicely. They'd been wanting to steal his stash, and he'd ended up having it out with them on their turf. A little reckless, but Jantus supposed this guy could take care of himself. After all, people in high-violence situations often took for granted the edge it took to take someone's life. It wasn't in the instincts to kill other wolves/dogs outright, they were social animals and the first inclination was to fight unto subordination, not unto death. Bleeding into his only good eye and with his right arm throbbing, he had the sense to avoid a fight with such a person if he could, size advantage or not.

"Smelled the leaf in your garage, and decided to ask for some instead of kicking the door in." He smiled a little ornerily when he said this, tucking his club back into his belt, before looking at the pipe in his other hand, sniffing it, and then letting it clatter to the ground. "I'm a stranger to this place, and I didn't want to make any enemies. Guess it's too late for that, now, unless these guys didn't have any other friends." He shrugged while giving a blank, troubled look. Not much could be done for it, now.

"Came sniffing around for anything useful or fun. Old human cities sometimes have liquor in them, and that's usually the best sort of haul I can hope for. If not that, sometimes useful tools haven't been looted already, or I can find some other gizmo that's worth hocking or is good for a minute or two of curiosity." He sniffed the air, seeking the smell of marijuana again. "But occasionally, a city dweller will have something else of interest. Smelled that one of them did and decided I'd see if he had enough to share." He didn't suppose he had anything to trade...he never came across enough drugs to ever trade them with anyone else, though he liked being a consumer just fine.


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