The second plague

300+ words.

#####That was tragically unfortunate. From what she had perceived of Cmwfen, the Adonis had been intelligent and wise. The fact that she was not, according to Haku, doing anything about the situation actually was beginning to disgust her. She did not know the Rosea, but she could say the same thing in regards to her, as well. Truthfully, she hoped that she never crossed paths with the Rosea alone, or the Adonis again, either. From the conversation she was having and the knowledge she was gaining, she did not think that the meeting could be a pleasant one. Perhaps she was only so upset by their lack of caring because she knew what it was like to be dead; it was absolutely terrible. Surely they did not understand the horrors that she had dealt with, and by leaving these threats unpunished and uncared for, then they were condemning their own to such a life she now led, or worse--they might actually die completely. Or. . . Was that a better fate? Lolita was never quite sure whether she appreciated her afterlife or not.

#####Jade eyes widened at his suggestion. Though she had asked, she had not actually expected that he would have a job in mind for her. The Adonis had asked of her abilities, and though she had mentioned a knowledge of plants, she did not think she would be able to provide for the pack in that way. Haku's suggestion was a much better idea, and she would have liked to accept right away, but she knew it would be prudent to prove herself before seeking out an official job. What better way than to do her Lilium's bidding for now? "I can do that," she agreed with a smile, happy to know that she might be useful in her pack now. Maybe she was even more useful than the other two leaders, since she actually cared (just like the handsome Haku, of course), even if they did not. "If I find anyone or anything that doesn't seem like they should be here, I should come to you, right?" She didn't know if she would immediately recognize something suspicious, but she could certainly try. Over time, she would most likely learn.

Table by Amber!

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