Mommy's little girl

NIght narrowed her shocking blue eyes even more, her mothers flame strong inside her. Although the soft Whisper had been her parent, Svara had been her birth mother and the passion that she wolf had had went to her daughter. Night didn't trust this man, she was afraid he would do something to her, just like the quick form that made her mother scream. Ears pinned she kept her position using all her young strength.

"Did I stutter." The young girl growled out. That fraze had been one Whisper had always said to her when she hadn't wanted her to do something. Pain leaked into her tiny heart and it took all her soul not to faulter then. His words made her finally release the tension in her shoulders and let her tail fall back down. Her azure eyes never left him and she sat down shaking from the cold. "ok." Was all the pup said.


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