dollar signs on every sin.
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Jantus nodded his assent and followed a respectful distance behind the hybrid. He didn't want to scare him, and more than that, he didn't want to scare him. Friendly as he sometimes was, he was still less concerned with freaking out his new comrade in arms than he was about the consequences that might ensue if he decided Jantus was an enemy after all. He gave himself fine odds, but he'd rather heal right now than anything. Calming down with some cannabis was just a bonus.

"I doubt I'd have fared well myself. Not sure if I'd have made it this far without your smell leading me on, but if I had, I'm not sure I'd have made it back out. Four is about as many as I ever take in one go, and that's always with someone at my back to step in when it gets dicey." It had been fortunate that none of the three seemed to have much experience, nor the killer instinct he'd seen in Anselm. The tall one had some grit, and understandably he'd been the hardest to put down. Nonetheless, if all three of them had been the same way, it could have been much nastier. In retrospect, he was very glad that he hadn't gotten torn and beaten up more. For fighting three people at once, he'd done pretty well for himself.

"Still, I don't think we did too bad for a half-wolf and a one-eye, eh?" He smiled to himself, knowing that the other was still leading the way and not looking at him. "Sorry I don't have anything to trade...been on a long trip, didn't take anything I didn't think we'd need. Figured I might find alcohol in here, but offered leaf is just as welcome." Ever since his time with Rurik, he'd rekindled his affection for the fiery brew; it was a shame that making the stuff was either a lost art (in most of the world he'd seen), or an overcomplicated mess of ingredients and practices he couldn't be bothered to learn or accommodate. He supposed there were enough wolves in the Pine to facilitate some kind of brewing project, but he didn't want it accessible enough for mass consumption...the last thing they needed was for half their warriors to be inebriated in time for a border skirmish. Hell, they'd been lucky enough to find a few weeks when their rivals had been beaten back and seemed relatively complacent so that he could make this journey. If he didn't have Samson on hand, he still wouldn't have trusted chance and gone.

It occurred to him now that this person might be from Inferni. He didn't know the smell, so he couldn't say, but it was a hybrid with the marks of battle on him and a clear willingness to kill (albeit in self-defense). He'd have to keep an eye out. Asphyxia had been from there, and she seemed alright. He guessed time would tell if this person was trustworthy...he felt better that he was here without Asphy's kids to look after; when he just had to look out for himself, he felt a little less on edge.


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