sunshine, call on me

agreed! XD hope you had a good thanksgiving <3

They left the borderlands and headed inland, and the land rose with Alacrity's spirits. Even in the season's sparse coloration, she found the Inferni landscape welcoming. The grasslands were echoes of her home, but varied enough to appease her curiosity. And then, of course, there was Anselm's steady presence at her side, the warmth of which was making her feel slightly giddy.

She nodded when he spoke about his homeland, eagerly drinking in the new sights, sounds, and smells. Alacrity found no words to say that weren't meaningless, although her current happiness was apparent both in body language and easy smile. Even the pause in conversation was suitable - she enjoyed company that didn't feel the need to fill every moment with idle chatter. Besides, she was trying to figure out the proper wording for a request when Anselm broke the silence and solved her problem.

"Yes, I am," she responded. "I had thought to go south when the season changed, but I don't want to risk running on my shoulder, not yet. Besides, I like it here, and I think I could be happy, in time." Making a home was never an easy endeavor, but after many long months on the road Alacrity was ready to try again. None of the other places she'd visited had felt right. Two continents and half a world away, here finally did, and she wouldn't know if she never tried.

If nothing else, she would need a place to stay for the winter, because with a healing shoulder surviving on her own would be rather difficult. "Do you think I could stay here in Inferni, at least for the winter?" she felt both shy and bold for asking. Bold, because she was asking outright for a place to call home; shy, because with the given company it was a rather laden question. There was a certain directness to her nature that would rather go straight to the point than spend hours talking about the proverbial elephant in the room. And after all, if she was refused, she would need time to find a plan b.


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