Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'


     One thing Savina hadn't considered was that the areas surrounding Crimson Dreams were still greatly unknown to her children. It was hard to remember as an adult how huge the world seemed when you were so young and even places just beyond the boundaries of your home were exciting and mysterious. It would have been a good thing for her to remember because then she wouldn't worry over Gotham leaving anytime soon. She knew that the chances that all of her pups would stay around was somewhat slim, but she really hoped that even if they left it would be so far away that she couldn't see them. Ehno had left to go on his journey, Ghita had left to escape the pain of what had happened to her first litter, and she had left when there had been nothing left for her. Maybe she would be lucky and her pups would want to stay close to their family as she did. Whatever happened though, she would always love them unconditionally.

     The Commander grinned down warmly at her son as he agreed with her on the matter of liking the rain. For some it was just a bother, but to her it was something special and necessary. Without the rain the trees and plants and grass would not be able to survive. It rejuvenated the earth and through that all of the creatures on it. There was a freshness that came with the rain, and it was freshness that she needed in her life at the moment. Gotham's question took some contemplation on her part. It was a question with no concrete answer. "Well, it depends on who you talk to," the mother prefaced. "The Romans, a group of humans who lived a long, long time ago where I'm from, they believed that the rain was controlled by a god named Jupiter. He was the ruler of all the gods and he controlled the lightning and the rain and the sky. When the Romans wanted rain, they would pray to Jupiter to send it to them." Savina herself did not necessarily prescribe to the exact Greco-Roman deities, but she did believe that there were many gods and they controlled various aspects of the world.

     "That's only one belief though, there are many." An idea came to her and her eyes sparkled with it. Looking down at her boy she asked, "How do you think the water gets up into the sky?" Seeing Gotham come up with his own theory would be fun and enjoyable to both of them she thought.


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