baby, you wouldn't last one minute on the creek
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He continued sneezing uncontrollably, the force of the sneezes rocking his skinny little body back and forth. He did not hear the approach of the young wolf. Her presence became apparent to him only after she'd spoken. And that scared him! It scared him so badly that he didn't sneeze for several seconds. He had noticed that her voice was different, much different than his, and that was part of the surprise. He gazed curiously at her, noting how she looked almost exactly like Ember. But it wasn't Ember. This girl smelled differently and certainly talked differently.

Stifling another sneeze, Kansas eyed her cautiously. He liked that she'd come to him and spoken, rather than him having to approach her. Greeting others on his own terms was challenging. I, eh—HIC—I tink so ACHOO. He sniffled pitifully, his eyes watering from all the sneezes. He felt like he'd regurgitated through every orifice. Nasty. And now the little girl probably thought he was crying! Wh-who e'you? An' why... why you talk diff'rent from me? He almost said, Why do you talk so funny? but Daddy would say that was not polite.


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